
October 14, 2009 § 1 Comment

I find myself having a hard time knowing what to say here, in the sea of followers and anonymity. It took some time, I recall, to build up my old blog, but I don’t remember what exactly I did to make that happen.

I do want to write though. It’s that time of year.
It’s cold and windy and everything of that absolute barf weather that fall brings. I hate living in this armpit of the country; I hate the rain, the muck, the absolute dreariness that infects people right down to their very souls. There is nothing for me here, but I have to stick it out.

We talked about the reality that we really can’t go East from here, only south. We have to move closer to the kids. He pointed out that if Shewhomustnotbenamed gets her way and picks up for her Rocky Mountain Mecca that she seems to think will solve all of her problems (including but not limited to not wanting Him to see the kids on a regular basis) and actually follows through with moving there, then we are free to go anywhere. Hell, I could even pick up that dusty idea of getting my PhD and go where I really want to go…and it could happen.

Is that a price we want to pay? No.

I feel awful for wishing she would just go there already.

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